Down syndrome

  • Teaching one to one, using primary rewards
  • Teaching in small increments with repetition
  • Using total communication i.e. teaching with

a range of techniques such as spoken languages
symbols, visuals etc.

Dyslexia – IEP (Individualized Education Program me) to overcome

  • Reading difficulty
  • Poor spellings
  • word decoding abilities
  • phonemic – speech sound

Autism – Primary management involves Intensive Behavior Therapy at home and school, focusing on

  • Speech
  • Language development
  • Behavioral control
  • For older children
  • The management stresses more on accommodation rather than remediation e.g.
  1. Use of Laptop computers with spell check
  2. Recorded books
  3. Giving extra time for writing tests. MCQ form of tests.

School Dropouts/Slow Learners

School Dropouts/Slow Learners are educated through the process of remediation. All efforts are thereafter made to take the child through his Secondary and Senior Secondary Exams from NIOS. In this field SLARC has achieved phenomenal success.


Inattention and early destructibility. Management involves educating the parents about the effect of ADHD on child’s learning behavior, social skills and helping them setting realistic goals.